Release Notes

Release Notes

Written by Spark TS | Jun 3, 2024 7:06:15 PM

September Release (9/11/24)


  • Bug Fixes have been added in the admin app for the DAT module in Unscheduled Tests


  • Bug Fixes have been added in the admin app for the DAT module
  • A Bug Fix has been added in Safety Alerts so that formatting is now transferred from the Admin app to the user app

August Release (8/7/24)


  • Bug Fixes have been added in the admin app for the Groups module and Operations Tests
  • A New Tab has been added in the admin app for the DAT module to track Unscheduled Tests
  • New Reports have been added in the Operations Tests module

July Release (7/5/24)


  • Requirements settings in the admin app have been updated to allow multiple requirement types, as well as  job titles
  • Bug fixes have been added in the admin app for the Operations Tests module and Users module
  • Bug fixes have been added to the user app in Checklists

June Release (6/14/24)


  • A new tab has been created for Operations Tests in the Admin App called the Reports tab.
  • Additional Columns have been added to the DAT and Onboarding modules.
  • A new option has been added in checklists called "Limited Trainees." This sets a rule that an instructor / QP cannot approve more than one task of the same type per user per checklist per day.
  • General enhancements have been added for ease of navigation for Operations Tests in the User app.
  • Bug changes have been made to the DAT module, Onboarding module, and Checklists module.

May Release (5/15/24)


  • Subtypes have been added to the Operations Test creation form in the Mobile app.
  • Additional filtering options for users throughout the Mobile app or Admin app.
  • Division and subdivision are now available in Settings in Operations Tests.
  • Subdivision, Mile Post, Train / Job ID are now options to enter when approving checklist tasks
  • Supervisors can now be assigned to specific trainees for checklist sign-off.
  • Various bug fixes throughout the application.
  • Various usability improvements throughout the application.


april Release (4/19/24)


  • Naming changes have been made to the efficiency tests module, it is now Operations tests.
  • General enhancements have been added for ease of navigation in the admin app.
  • General Bug fixes have been added in the admin app.