January RELEASEs
2.0.10 (01/17/25)
Checklists (Admin App)
- When looking at checklist history the header now shows more information for the employee.
- On the Checklists Tab, when searching, the application will return results as a user is typing.
Checklists (User App)
- When filtering trainees, the clear filter button will now fully clear any filter history set by the user.
Safety Engagements (User App)
- When adding employees/team members, the first selected employee will no longer disappear when changing search criteria.
Qualifications (Admin App)
- Qualification Dates appear in the logged-in user's timezone.
- The ability to search for an assigned user on a qualification has been added.
- When creating a Certification Card the option for a YYYY birthday format has been added.
- When adding a completion manually, the manual completion now reflects in the user's history.
DAT Unscheduled Tests (Admin App)
- If multiple lab accounts/panels are available, users can now select from any in the list.
Onboarding (Admin App)
- When ordering a test, the 'Physical' test type is now removed.
2.0.08 (01/03/25)
Checklists (Admin App)
- The ability to upload a checklist completion with documented proof such as a paper checklist has been added.
Qualifications (Admin App)
- A new type of card has been added that allows for extending the qualification date.
Qualifications (User App)
- Qualification Cards are now visible in the User App.
DATe (Admin App)
- Alerts will now be visible with a red dot.
December RELEASE (12/13/24)
Drug and Alcohol Testing (Admin App)
- In Unscheduled Tests Lab names are now validated based on what is entered in DAT.
Operations Tests(Admin App)
- The field order has been updated in the Records Tab as well as in the export to be easier to read.
- Additional filters are now available on reports.
Operations Tests(User App)
- In the Exceptions Tab the Exception Cards are reformatted to highlight the employee name and expiration date.
Onboarding(Admin App)
- Clients are now able to create tests with physical exams.
November RELEASE (11/8/24)
Drug and Alcohol Testing (Admin App)
- Spacing has been added in the results table to improve readability.
Checklists (Admin App)
- The Checklist history category and task order match the order on the checklist info tab.
Checklists (User App)
- When a Designated Instructor goes to sign off the last task, they will now have the option to sign off the whole checklist.
- When signing off the whole checklist the modal now says 'Cancel' instead of 'Not Yet'.
Operations Testing (Admin App)
- When running a report, the start and end dates are now required before the submit button is available.
Safety Engagements (User App)
- The 'View PDF' option should now show for all Safety Engagements if a PDF is attached.
Operations Testing (Admin App)
- The search bar on the records tab has been removed.
- The records tab toggle for inactive and active users has been removed, and both inactive and active users are visible.
- The Employee Summary report now requires the employee's name to be entered before running the report.
Operations Testing (User App)
- The Exceptions Tab filter defaults have been changed to default to 90 Days and after clicking on a qualification the exceptions that show are specific to the requirements.
Checklists (Admin App)
- When adding trainees to a DI during a limited trainees assignment, the list is now limited to the users in the DI's group.
Drug and Alcohol Testing (Admin App)
- An Option to "reset" a specimen order has been added.
- Adding a manager is no longer required when ordering onsite tests in the Unscheduled Testing Tab.
October Release (10/25/24)
Drug and Alcohol Testing (Admin App)
- Unscheduled Testing now available with the DAT module
Drug and Alcohol Testing Exceptions (DATe) (Admin App)
- This new module is now available
Groups/Operations Tests (Admin App)
- In the settings for Operations test goals, users now have the option to have either the Event or each individual Test count toward the goal.
Operations Tests (User App)
- When opening this part of the app, the Requirements tab now opens first instead of the Events Tab
October Release (10/4/24)
Drug and Alcohol Testing (Admin App)
- When Company Authority is selected a default value of NLK.NON1.REF will be set for the Lab Account
- Hours of Operation are now visible on the order form
Onboarding (Admin App)
- Date of birth is now being updated on the order notification from the order form if the field was blank
Checklists (Admin App)
- The Tasks Screen has been reformatted to make it easier to read
- When a checklist has the "Limited Trainees" option selected the button to add trainees now says "Add Trainees"
- When a checklist has the "Limited Trainees" option selected when adding trainees to the Designated Instructor, users can now select more than one trainee at a time.
Checklists (User App)
- The Optional Fields available when signing off a task on a checklist are now collapsible
- A toggle has been added on the Tasks Screen that hides completed tasks.
Operations Tests (Admin App)
- Test Group is now included in the export
Operations Tests (User App)
- General functionality has been improved on the Exceptions Tab under Requirements
Safety Engagements (User App)
- A reset button has been added to the "My Team" screen
September Release (9/25/24)
Drug and Alcohol Testing (Admin App)
- Cost center has been added as information for pre-employment donors
- Cost center has been added to the Drug and Alcohol export
Checklists (Admin App)
- When viewing the tasks on a checklist, a search option has been added to allow for searching the task list.
- When using the "Limited Trainees" functionality the button to add trainees now says "Add Trainees"
- When using the "Limited Trainees" functionality users can now add multiple trainees at once
September Release (9/11/24)
- Bug Fixes have been added in the admin app for the DAT module in Unscheduled Tests
- Bug Fixes have been added in the admin app for the DAT module
- A Bug Fix has been added in Safety Alerts so that formatting is now transferred from the Admin app to the user app
August Release (8/7/24)
- Bug Fixes have been added in the admin app for the Groups module and Operations Tests
- A New Tab has been added in the admin app for the DAT module to track Unscheduled Tests
- New Reports have been added in the Operations Tests module
July Release (7/5/24)
- Requirements settings in the admin app have been updated to allow multiple requirement types, as well as job titles
- Bug fixes have been added in the admin app for the Operations Tests module and Users module
- Bug fixes have been added to the user app in Checklists
June Release (6/14/24)
- A new tab has been created for Operations Tests in the Admin App called the Reports tab.
- Additional Columns have been added to the DAT and Onboarding modules.
- A new option has been added in checklists called "Limited Trainees." This sets a rule that an instructor / QP cannot approve more than one task of the same type per user per checklist per day.
- General enhancements have been added for ease of navigation for Operations Tests in the User app.
- Bug changes have been made to the DAT module, Onboarding module, and Checklists module.
May Release (5/15/24)
- Subtypes have been added to the Operations Test creation form in the Mobile app.
- Additional filtering options for users throughout the Mobile app or Admin app.
- Division and subdivision are now available in Settings in Operations Tests.
- Subdivision, Mile Post, Train / Job ID are now options to enter when approving checklist tasks
- Supervisors can now be assigned to specific trainees for checklist sign-off.
- Various bug fixes throughout the application.
- Various usability improvements throughout the application.
april Release (4/19/24)
- Naming changes have been made to the efficiency tests module, it is now Operations tests.
- General enhancements have been added for ease of navigation in the admin app.
- General Bug fixes have been added in the admin app.