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Microlearning: A rediscovered training trend in 2021

Like many industries, it sometimes feels as though we training professionals like to recycle trends. As more training moved online and become asynchronous in the past year, it seems to have put ...

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The Difficult Aspect of Safety Training: Addressing Attitudes

I don't know about you, but I have always thought that providing training to employees on safety rules such as proper lifting techniques, PPE, equipment use, etc. is the easy part. These are not ...

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Can you inspire innovation? Do you want to?

As a business owner, consultant, instructional designer, and someone who cares about improving safety in my industry - I sometimes wonder about how we can inspire others to be innovative to improve. ...

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243 Compliance Checklist

The deadline to submit initial training programs is just days away. But what about the other 243 requirements? Here is a checklist that breaks down what you have to do to be compliant with the ...

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Do Railroad Contractors Need an FRA Approval Letter?

This has recently become the most common question I am asked by contractors There are a couple of points to consider in order to determine if an FRA approval letter is required. Some FRA programs ...

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How to Submit Your 243 Programs

Are you almost ready to submit your 243 training programs but having questions about what to submit or not to submit or how to use the FRA's portal? This article will walk you through that process. ...

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Grandfathering-in Existing Employees Under 49 CFR Part 243

Do you need to re-train your existing employees under 49 CFR Part 243? The answer is probably not. However, I have talked to several railroads in the last month that thought they did. While I wanted ...

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Is training to blame when there is an accident/incident?

Throughout my career in training, and especially in the railroad industry, I have seen how training often bears the brunt of the blame when there is an accident or incident; sometimes directly and ...

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Can you use your 217 program for 243? Yes, BUT (and it is a big BUT)...

There has been a flurry of activity as short line railroads and railroad contractors prepare for the May 1st Part 243 implementation deadline. Amongst this activity, I have seen growing confusion ...

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Flipping the Perspective of 49 CFR Part 243

If you are feeling stuck trying to get started with 49 CFR Part 243, you are not alone. However, I have found that simply looking at the requirements from a different perspective helps get most ...

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FRA has Changed What You Will Submit for Part 243

What has changed? Employers that maintain other FRA-required training programs, whether submitted to FRA or retained for FRA’s inspection and review, are not required to submit those same training ...

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FRA Proposes to Update Engineer Certification

While not unexpected for many of us, FRA proposed this month to revise the regulation (49 CFR 240) that governs the certification of locomotive engineers. The changes seek to align 240 with 242 which ...

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3 Reasons for Small Businesses to Invest in a Learning Management System

Many small companies may not have even heard of a learning management system (LMS). However, for companies, such as short-line railroads, who operate in a heavily regulated industry, an LMS can be a ...

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Implementing Safety Training that Actually Improves Safety

Have you ever attended a safety training program only to return to work and see the same unsafe behavior that the training just addressed? I know I have. This can be common problem with safety ...

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Performance Support Tools

At Spark Training, our custom training solutions often involve the implementation of performance support tools to help support ongoing performance on the job after training is completed. How is ...

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OJT and the 70:20:10 Model of Learning

If you work in the railroad industry, chances are that you have become familiar with the acronym "OJT" for on-the-job training. OJT happens to be a central focus of the Federal Railroad ...

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